

Having co-created Babcock's new purpose and principles, they asked us to help embed them across the business. That's 30,000 employees across four continents!

They wanted to run a six-week initiative where each of the principles would be introduced across various touchpoints – online and in-person.

The client gave us the name 'Mission Possible', but it was down to us to make it sing.

Here are the three concepts we presented.


The name 'Mission Possible' immediately sparked ideas of challenges and adventure, so we took inspiration from retro arcade games to create a unique visual identity. This route didn't take itself too seriously, but still had the potential to carry important messaging via accessible gamer-style language. We used distinct 8bit art using pixelated fonts and vivid colours to immerse our audience in the gamified world.

Pop art

The Principle weeks are about action, so we needed language and design which inspired a bold 'go-getter' attitude. We drew inspiration from the Pop art movement with a modern twist. This bright and vibrant execution brings energy to the launch, and the Mission Possible lock-up is styled as if it's shooting across the page, bringing real momentum to the campaign.


Taking inspiration from scrapbooks and montages, this route relies on a layered style which uses existing brand elements in a more dynamic and eye-catching way. It also speaks to a work-in-progress which lends itself to the collaborative nature of the initiative.