Website timeline experience
Our client wanted to showcase bp’s rich history with a dynamic and engaging timeline experience. Our goal was to breathe new life into the bp brand while aligning it with their business strategy for the future.
We presented six concepts which ranged from super safe to 'go on, we dare you!'.
This project is still a WIP but i'm keeping my fingers crossed for route 5!
Time capsule
bp's existing content is well-written and engaging, but it lacks a clear timeline structure.
For route 1, we focused on a dynamic timeline feature to make the content more interactive and easier to navigate.
Our history, your way
bp's timeline has a broad reach when it comes to audience groups, but not all users will be looking for the same thing.
For route 2 we suggested a customisable timeline which users can adapt based on their area of interest, i.e. a thematic approach.
Journey through time
bp have a lot of valuable archival content and footage, but instead of just telling their history, we wanted to put people in the story.
For route 3 we suggested an immersive timeline experience that feels like a virtual exhibition. Components can house quotes, images, content and videos to bring the story to life. And as users go through the decades, the "feel" of the space could change to reflect the time period.
Tell me more
Everyone absorbs content in different ways. Some want minimal information, whereas others like longer, more detailed content. And personal preference isn't the only factor, time, device type and accessibility also play a role.
For route 4 we suggested a customisable timeline that operates on a sliding scale basis. Users have the option to interact with a basic, medium, or full detail timeline - depending on their preference or need.
Timeline tapestry
bp has a rich history with unique people, places and artefacts. As the timeline is now, these stories all blend into one. But they don't have to...
For route 5 we flipped the classic timeline approach and led with the 'micro' stories that make up bp's wider history. These smaller stories would be represented by images and artefacts to create a rich tapestry of historic moments.
Rolling road
bp's global reach is an interesting part of their history. The content currently tells this side of the story, but what would happen if we started to show it?
For route 6 we introduced an illustrative element to take users on an immersive, visual trip through bp's history.